P 864 Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, August 2024, Si nous reconnaissons nos péchés, Dieu est fidèle et juste et, par conséquent, il nous pardonnera nos péchés (1 Jean 1: 8-10). When you will come infront of me, do not have any feeling of fear, guilt, nor shame. Both have done past mistakes, both have forgiven.We do not judge our past.We are together in this. The future matters.The future is reuniting and getting married, love, care, no violence. The tears in your beautiful eyes, the sorrow behind yourgentle smile, remind me of the sadness of my own helpless mother. I want you. I promise I will accept our baby Oonagh Amber however she is and keep my 30 wedding promises. If all is true also I would still want you (A 404/7/10/12). Soy la única que realmente te ama y la única que te pide disculpas genuinas a ti y a nuestra bebé. A paper on Bible and Bhagavat Gita Verses on importance of forgiving each other, between two mature lovers far from each other but eager to reunite and get married.